Fitting all the other planets into the average space between the Earth and the moon × Fitting all the other planets into the average space between the Earth and the moon
Size difference between our sun and the largest observed star × Size difference between our sun and the largest observed star
Timescale of humans destroying the world’s forests × Timescale of humans destroying the world’s forests
When you open a new window instead of a new tab in Firefox × When you open a new window instead of a new tab in Firefox
Saruman joins Trump in a quest for world domination × Saruman joins Trump in a quest for world domination
State trooper demonstrates the use of a safety feature that most modern cars have and most drivers don’t know about
When you’re in Australia and you finish eating at a restaurant × When you’re in Australia and you finish eating at a restaurant
When your friend with glasses takes his glasses off × When your friend with glasses takes his glasses off
Judas’s biggest sin was not understanding personal space × Judas’s biggest sin was not understanding personal space
Population distribution of the United States, measured in Canadas × Population distribution of the United States, measured in Canadas
Why you never see Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber in the same room together × Why you never see Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber in the same room together
Jack White looks like Michael Cera dressed up as Johnny Depp for Halloween × Jack White looks like Michael Cera dressed up as Johnny Depp for Halloween
Three signs you need to re-evaluate your life choices × Three signs you need to re-evaluate your life choices
The two books that contain all of the information in the world × The two books that contain all of the information in the world