Select Year
You are a nerd
John's Links
Greenwich Locksmiths
Animal voiceovers
Slowed-down Olsen twins pizza song
Quit smoking
Tea Party/terrorist puzzle page (pic)
How Watson could have been defeated on Jeopardy
The difference between The United Kingdom, Great Britain and England
How a shower faucet should work
Senior choir
Have you seen this pole?
Lightning dancers on a Tesla coil
Ferris Bueller’s Day Off board game
Laughing workout
Ultimate dog tease
How to grow a mustache
Star size comparison
Always avoid movies with bold red uppercase fonts
The Lord of the Lord of the Rings
Climate change
Mr. T honors mothers
Los Angeles street crossing
The Scrollwheel
Music for shuffle
Grand Theft Auto – Carmageddon!
Cracking the credit card code
Getting inside a balloon
The pros and cons of pros and cons
Cognito Salon Ad #1
A day in the future
Muse at Wembley Stadium, September 2010
Dot dot dot
Cadbury Creme egg inside a cupcake
How my handwriting has changed since Kindergarten
Camera on the tip of the sword
Microwave For One
Endless jumping into the pool
Google Exodus
Plato’s iPad
Duty of a Troopa
High-speed camera shooting from a train
Why did gold become the best element for money?
A very twitchy human body drum kit
It’s a me, Mario!
My Blackberry is not working!
Christmas card from a mailman
Brontë Sisters Power Dolls
Reasons to be cheerful
Eskmo’s “We Got More”
Ducks getting blown off their feet
Doodling in math class
Who else does this?
How to get a job at American Apparel
History through Google Books Ngrams
Shop Vac
Internet ghosts of the world unite!
Google Earth skydiving
Cat vs. Internet
Some golden girls discover photo booth
Simple liquid simulation
Angry Birds – Strategy
Dr. Seuss does Star Wars
I have everything. My life is empty.
1980s Frosted Flakes commercial
Buzz Kill meme
Girl goes crazy over webcam special effects
The Lying Down game
FPS map design: then and now
The number to heaven
People are awesome
iPhone vs. Android vs. BlackBerry
God of War style PB&J
Boba Fett’s invoice to Jabba
StS’ Beatles
English lesson
Actor Gordon Pinsent reads from the memoirs of Justin Bieber
Dungeons & Dragons site has impossible-to-answer security question
How ink is made
US map showing the movies that represent each state
Diminished reality
Star Wars rear window sticker
Space video footage from camera attached to weather balloon
Please don’t do these in an email
“Hey, ladies…” smile
A classic IE6 effect in HTML5
Super Mario Bros. glitches
Woman chronicles her life from ages 16-88 in shooting gallery photos
“Take Me Out” by Atomic Tom
Reddit users list the most expensive mistake they’ve ever made
Historical illusion
Goth public access
Radical Islam
Thunder Busters
The transformation of a horrible ice skater
Hidden “McBain” movie in multiple Simpsons episodes
Mario Kart in real life
I heart you
“Lost” Valentine’s Day cards
A History of Rap: Jimmy Fallon, Justin Timberlake & The Roots
Tilt-shift Van Gogh
Jason Schwartzman introduces the New Yorker iPad app
Mega Millions lottery simulator
Filming in a dust storm
A thing called the Internet
Star Trek pizza cutter
Asteroids bookmarklet
Never say no to Panda
Ring found
Free climbing a tower higher than the Empire State Building
The bed of a hardcore gamer
Friday classic: “Love Train” on Soul Train
Assembly instructions from hell
Middle Earth Hockey Association logos
Tesla coil version of Iron Man with a Faraday guitar
Common southern mispronunciations
Interrupting a parade
“My Heart Will Go On” – recorder version
Business cards for fictional companies
Japanese precision walking
This is how I feel about buying apps
Soccer players celebrate goal with “human toilet”
Unhear It
Dog dancing the Merengue
Putin on a Ritz
Acrobatic awesomeness
Mario is so screwed
How to turn yourself into a bale of hay
English Bulldog casually watching TV
You will never look at a duck the same way
Chinese Omnipotent China red army sings Beat It
Inception explained with a Mac
Thru Religion
Ahead Stop
Getting an ice cream cone in Istanbul is an ordeal
Color Theory
Inception ending, extended
Song lyrics as Google Maps directions
Living with steel wool hands
How to turn carrots into bacon
Freak storm front formation in Finland
All Rubik’s Cube positions can be solved in 20 moves
The digital story of the Nativity
Christmas with Gwar
Rudolph (You Don’t Have To Put On The Red Light)
Star Wars paper snowflakes
Finish him!
8-Bit Jesus
Easy does it…
Bangs – “Meet Me On Facebook”
I claim this bed in the name of Estrogen
Street Fighter Legacy
Teenagers, tired of being harassed by your stupid parents?
Chill Space
Define cool
Define cool
GearBox, a robotic ball controlled with an iPhone
The history of the Beatles
Racer, a physical racing arcade game
Lost cat poster request
Guy walks across america
Fo’ drizzle
How to make a Daft Punk helmet
Simpsons voices
Four chords
I write like…
Giant kitchen spider
Her majesty gets pwned
cows & cows & cows
Just a rock
Microsoft redesigns the iPod packaging
Some of us will always lose
Undercover karaoke with Jewel
When Pixar meets Star Wars
If games had super easy mode
At first we were like…
Auto-Tune Double Rainbow song
A gallery of very sad Keanus
Watermelon carving time-lapse
Reminder from Angela
Super Mario speed run on a curb
Warren Buffett’s philanthropic pledge
Lo-Fi Version
Hey guys!
The glass armonica
An Adobe Photoshop
The Fab Faux playing side 2 of Abbey Road
Free diver free falls into blue hole
Google Is Metal \m/
Fault Line
Chick-Fil-A geek ad
I dream in retro
Trilogy graphs done right
25 Years of Oprah screaming celebrities names
The reoccurring prop newspaper
Fake trick-or-treater prank
October 30th
Pumpkin Dance
Great Halloween costume idea
Destroy The Web
What does a video look like after 1000 YouTube uploads?
Crocheted beanie with beard
Super Mario Bros. Crossover
What your email address says about your computer skills
Dulux Walls
You think this confuses the Jamaicans?
Ozzy Osbourne pretending to be his own wax figure
A clever use for that old Clash tape
“Bad Romance” cover
How to imitate a chicken
D-Pad Hero
Michael Emerson is creepy
The Swinger
Sunday’s Coming
Three Ewok Moon tshirt
Reporter can’t break glass to get into car
Walken knows you did it
If Gandalf recited the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air theme
Metafilter users save two Russian girls from sex traffickers
Formula 1 simulator
Netflix review of Bob the Builder
DSLR time-lapse of a space shuttle launch
West Sayid
Helping Johnny Remember
Steve Jobs and Bill Gates reminiscing about the past
Step into the sensory box
YouTube TimeMachine
If The Empire Strikes Back were made in the 1950’s
Oklahoma City hail storm
Flowchart to determine if Barack Obama is a U.S. citizen
Improv Everywhere – Ghostbusters at the New York Public Library
Desmond’s car has special features
Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us
33 pictures caught at exactly the right moment
Happy Birthday flash mob
This is what traveling feels like these days
Japanese spa prank
Extreme ironing
Japanese classroom
If Mario was designed in 2010
Television is a drug
We know it was you, Will Smith.
The perfect camera face
AND1 Is running out of ideas
The making of Florida One
This is Spinal Tape
Kinetic wave sculptures
Instants Collection
The Geocities-izer
Will it metablend?
Theresa Andersson – Na Na Na
Missing results from Google search
Apollo 11 slow motion launch
Realistically painted Bowser
The Wilderness Downtown
Blue shells
Clothing in the year 2000
Titanic reenactment gone wrong
The Alot
We’ve got company!
The iPhone doesn’t allow Flash
Cubicle prank
The Frivolous Five album cover
1979 Star Wars drunk driving PSA commercial
An illustration of a Jonas Brother’s tweet
A dramatic reading of a YouTube comment
Steven Seagal emotion chart
Jerry’s a roller
Awesome baseball save by pitcher
The Anime laws of physics
Blowing the Tetris theme
Five cats that look like Wilford Brimley
Indian baby dropping ritual
Album covers of Eastern European pop stars from the 70’s
Mentos and Diet Coke at 1,200 fps
Feudal Japanese Star Wars art
Dear Subway, Inc. jigsaw puzzles
Miss Universe Pageant winners
Grand Theft Auto – Conan style
Apple’s future products
New Frontier Hotel implosion in Las Vegas
Horatio breaks down Canada’s men’s hockey gold medal victory
Top 10 Jackie Chan stunts
Pac-Man hidden in LG logo
Tree branch falls on power lines
Two feet of snow
Robot ride
This is how the Japanese take photos
Every Simpsons couch gag
What happened to the food?!
Little kid vs. tuba player
The Return of the King movie credits
Daily Monster 200
Blind spots
Rock Band
No big names scheduled for concerts
Hillary Clinton rehearsing hand gestures
Hitching a ride
The Bird & The Bee – “Again And Again”
Funny series of student IDs
OK Go – This Too Shall Pass
Single Ladies
Everyday Looper
Flight of the Dragon Lady
Radiohead’s “All I Need”
Gimme fue…
Gimme fue…
Cycles by cyriak
The seldom seen world that conspires against Tom
Progress Wars
Rock ‘n roll metro map
OMG cat sees car accident
Birthday cake for a nerd
Vortex ring collision
A single groove on a vinyl record, magnified by 1000x
MUTO – a wall-painted animation
Darth Vader
Hang drum solo
Fields arranged by purity
Mr. Burns untooned
Look at this guy’s moves
Admit it
Movie Title
The Office – Japanese version
The Pop vs. Soda map
Expandable table
Mario makes a mistake
Punch machine
Business hours
Los Simpson
Voltron costume
Spelling Bee blooper
Lego Stephen Hawking
Crystal ball routine
Stop saying these phrases
Too soon?
Pac-Man joins a social networking site
The Price is Wrong
Someone famous has died
Slip and Slide
The Beginning of the End
Ski gliding
Vegan vs. carnivore
Grand Theft Auto – Christian edition
Caps lock has a new name
Inappropriate spokesman
Wall retaliates against vandal
Epic combo
Two disconnected thoughts
Angry WoW guy
Stabilized video collage
Vintage Dharma ads
How to report the news
The Mariana Trench
Praying mantis vs. computer
At first I was like…
Exit fail
I’ll just browse the web for a few minutes…
Chromakey is everywhere
Low ink
World of World of Warcraft
Caution! Beware of the…
Baby loves banjo
Charlie Brown in real life
Wolverine getting beaten up by the Invisible Man
Line Super Follow
Vague Scientist
Helen Keller simulator
The Grape Lady music video
Prove you’re human
Why there is no Candid Camera in Russia
Bumper stickers for your shoes
Girl passes out at American Gladiators audition
Cause and effect
Tips for better ideas
Charting the Beatles
PeeWee gets an iPad
The cold hard facts of freezing to death
The Fresh Prince emails live Christian TV
The stalacpipe organ
New ski warnings
Fascinating adventures in the macro universe
Retro virus
Balloon bass
Xbox 360 vs. NES
Jar-Jar platter
Freestyle rap battle translated
A Gary Busey family photo
Speak, the Hungarian rapper
Wish we heard the joke
Weight for it…
The thing about belts
Interesting fighting technique
Cell size and scale
Jan Terri – Losing You
Hey Jude flow chart
Hammer pants dance
Periodic table
Zorb fail
Han and Chewie: The Glory Days
Crazy ping-pong player
Belinda Bedekovic
I am ironing a kitten
The eyeballing game
Avatar Pocahontas
Biff’s Question Song
Calculations per second per $1,000
Open letter from OK Go
The 1987 Crystal Light National Aerobic Championship
Inglourious Twilight
Miniature City 2
If Jesus had a cat
Mr. Freeze
New gaming mouse
There, I Fixed It
The Internet vs. a research paper
Pantyhose mask
Denzel Washington Venn diagram
Death metal rooster
I am the hero that Gotham deserves
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Diddy gets confused
Dude, you’re doing it wrong
I know where Bruce Lee lives
Manliest soldier name
iPhone 3GS unboxing
The cable connector quiz
Circle the Cat
If you ever get mauled by bears…
Football Hero
Spinal Tap amps
Personal helicopter
How to use an apostrophe
$200,000 worth of beer destroyed
Every part of the buffalo
15 Google interview questions that will make you feel stupid
Estonian Simpsons intro
Obama’s final solution
HP computers are racist
The cost of home ownership
Insane Canadian fishermen
Dangerous Wands
The Book Mine’s stupid customers
What English sounds like to foreigners
Barad-Dûr was an inside job
Let’s enhance
Mario’s closet
The Known Universe
Psychic fail
iPhone-controlled helicopter
Two Gentlemen of Lebowski
Police car chase with Benny Hill theme music
Nicolas Cage as Everyone
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