A Field Guide to the people of America: Guidos
This week’s subject: New Jersey Sicilians. More specifically, the Guido species (Newjerseyus Trashus).
You are a nerd
This week’s subject: New Jersey Sicilians. More specifically, the Guido species (Newjerseyus Trashus).
Let’s learn how to play a rock ‘n roll rhythm!
1. Quietly and calmly open up your laptop case.
2. Remove your laptop.
3. Start up.
4. Make sure the guy who is annoying you can see the screen.
5. Close your eyes, join your palms together, tilt your head up to the sky, and move your lips as if praying.
6. Then click the link.
Seriously not for the squeamish.
It’d get you there… eventually.
This is what happens when you slow his already slurred speech down 30 percent.
May the Force rock your face off.
This guy is the real deal.
Flash version of Crayon Physics beautifully done.
Animated overview of the building and decay of Stonehenge.