Mega Millions lottery simulator
Playing twice a week for 10 years netted me -$823. The lottery is so worth it.
You are a nerd
Playing twice a week for 10 years netted me -$823. The lottery is so worth it.
Like he says, it looks like they’re filming on an alien world.
[more here]
I couldn’t agree more.
Related: My FailBlog post for the Yellow Pages we received yesterday.
*Update: There’s now a website through which you can opt out of receiving any more Yellow Pages. Let’s see if they honor my request now.
This would make an excellent gift for me.
Destroy any webpage.
He can be kind of a jerk.
Did you think we were that gullible?
I kept getting shivers watching this.
Radical! Too bad Sarah wouldn’t go for something like this.
My favorite is the slow motion couple.
Thanks Justin!