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John's Links
Thru Jerusalem
Paranoid Android: YouTube artists mix
Hooray for Earth’s “True Loves” music video
“Welcome to the Jungle” on two cellos
Goldfish – We Come Together
This kid loves Church’s chicken
Straight out of Surrey
Hey you! What song are you listening to?
Drunk man wants beer
Star Wars voice reel
Pendulum waves
A perfectly safe Russian snow slide
Be your own souvenir
A flip book made by popping ballons
Room-sized spirograph
Star Wars: Building “Empire”
December 2010 blizzard time-lapse
Man casually chats as tornado passes right by him
My grunting explanation
Radiohead support group for fans who don’t like “The King Of Limbs”
A dinosaur at school
Get that outta here!
I must go
A tiny day in the Jackson Hole backcountry
Cleaning the cobra pit
Music that is in everything
Living in 90 square feet
Virtual reality Fruit Ninja
“Friday” by Rebecca Black, as interpreted by a bad lip reader
Eye of Sauron Kinect hack
Imagine a Jump
Time lapse video of woman with HIV/AIDS
Sexy sax man
Chatroulette love song
Vegetarianism is cruel, too
Music from a tree
Talking to your kids about Star Wars
Kinetic typography of Conan’s farewell message
Mario with modern sound effects
Slow loris with a tiny umbrella
Jetpack skiing
Cat bowling using a laser
College marching band plays Rage Against The Machine
Urban downhill bike race
Tick Tock
Space shuttle launch viewed from an airplane
Samurai CGI shadow fighting
Escher’s waterfall in real life
Printing books
Dubstep dance performance
An amazing “The Final Countdown” rendition
RoboCop speaks to Detroit
Snowman slide
Flight of the Bumblebee on 101 bottles
Dramatic eagle
Animal voiceovers
Slowed-down Olsen twins pizza song
Quit smoking
The difference between The United Kingdom, Great Britain and England
Senior choir
Lightning dancers on a Tesla coil
Laughing workout
Ultimate dog tease
How to grow a mustache
Star size comparison
The Lord of the Lord of the Rings
Mr. T honors mothers
The Scrollwheel
Grand Theft Auto – Carmageddon!
Getting inside a balloon
Cognito Salon Ad #1
Muse at Wembley Stadium, September 2010
Dot dot dot
Camera on the tip of the sword
Endless jumping into the pool
Google Exodus
Plato’s iPad
High-speed camera shooting from a train
A very twitchy human body drum kit
My Blackberry is not working!
Brontë Sisters Power Dolls
Eskmo’s “We Got More”
Ducks getting blown off their feet
Doodling in math class
How to get a job at American Apparel
Shop Vac
Google Earth skydiving
Some golden girls discover photo booth
Angry Birds – Strategy
1980s Frosted Flakes commercial
Girl goes crazy over webcam special effects
The Lying Down game
The number to heaven
People are awesome
God of War style PB&J
StS’ Beatles
Actor Gordon Pinsent reads from the memoirs of Justin Bieber
How ink is made
Diminished reality
Space video footage from camera attached to weather balloon
“Hey, ladies…” smile
Super Mario Bros. glitches
“Take Me Out” by Atomic Tom
Goth public access
Thunder Busters
The transformation of a horrible ice skater
Hidden “McBain” movie in multiple Simpsons episodes
Mario Kart in real life
A History of Rap: Jimmy Fallon, Justin Timberlake & The Roots
Jason Schwartzman introduces the New Yorker iPad app
Filming in a dust storm
Never say no to Panda
Free climbing a tower higher than the Empire State Building
Friday classic: “Love Train” on Soul Train
Tesla coil version of Iron Man with a Faraday guitar
Interrupting a parade
“My Heart Will Go On” – recorder version
Japanese precision walking
Soccer players celebrate goal with “human toilet”
Dog dancing the Merengue
Acrobatic awesomeness
How to turn yourself into a bale of hay
English Bulldog casually watching TV
Chinese Omnipotent China red army sings Beat It
Thru Religion
Getting an ice cream cone in Istanbul is an ordeal
Inception ending, extended
Living with steel wool hands
Freak storm front formation in Finland
The digital story of the Nativity
Christmas with Gwar
Rudolph (You Don’t Have To Put On The Red Light)
Bangs – “Meet Me On Facebook”
Street Fighter Legacy
Guy walks across america
How to make a Daft Punk helmet
Four chords
Giant kitchen spider
cows & cows & cows
Microsoft redesigns the iPod packaging
Undercover karaoke with Jewel
If games had super easy mode
Auto-Tune Double Rainbow song
Watermelon carving time-lapse
Super Mario speed run on a curb
The glass armonica
The Fab Faux playing side 2 of Abbey Road
Free diver free falls into blue hole
I dream in retro
25 Years of Oprah screaming celebrities names
Fake trick-or-treater prank
Pumpkin Dance
What does a video look like after 1000 YouTube uploads?
Dulux Walls
Ozzy Osbourne pretending to be his own wax figure
“Bad Romance” cover
D-Pad Hero
Michael Emerson is creepy
Sunday’s Coming
Reporter can’t break glass to get into car
If Gandalf recited the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air theme
Formula 1 simulator
DSLR time-lapse of a space shuttle launch
Helping Johnny Remember
Step into the sensory box
YouTube TimeMachine
If The Empire Strikes Back were made in the 1950’s
Oklahoma City hail storm
Improv Everywhere – Ghostbusters at the New York Public Library
Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us
Happy Birthday flash mob
Japanese spa prank
Japanese classroom
Television is a drug
The making of Florida One
Kinetic wave sculptures
Theresa Andersson – Na Na Na
Apollo 11 slow motion launch
The Wilderness Downtown
Clothing in the year 2000
We’ve got company!
Cubicle prank
1979 Star Wars drunk driving PSA commercial
A dramatic reading of a YouTube comment
Awesome baseball save by pitcher
Blowing the Tetris theme
Indian baby dropping ritual
Mentos and Diet Coke at 1,200 fps
Grand Theft Auto – Conan style
New Frontier Hotel implosion in Las Vegas
Top 10 Jackie Chan stunts
Tree branch falls on power lines
Robot ride
Every Simpsons couch gag
Little kid vs. tuba player
Daily Monster 200
Rock Band
Hillary Clinton rehearsing hand gestures
The Bird & The Bee – “Again And Again”
OK Go – This Too Shall Pass
Everyday Looper
Radiohead’s “All I Need”
Cycles by cyriak
OMG cat sees car accident
Vortex ring collision
MUTO – a wall-painted animation
Hang drum solo
Look at this guy’s moves
Movie Title
The Office – Japanese version
Expandable table
Los Simpson
Spelling Bee blooper
Crystal ball routine
The Price is Wrong
Slip and Slide
Ski gliding
Wall retaliates against vandal
Two disconnected thoughts
Angry WoW guy
Stabilized video collage
How to report the news
Praying mantis vs. computer
Exit fail
Chromakey is everywhere
World of World of Warcraft
Baby loves banjo
The Grape Lady music video
Why there is no Candid Camera in Russia
Girl passes out at American Gladiators audition
Tips for better ideas
PeeWee gets an iPad
The Fresh Prince emails live Christian TV
The stalacpipe organ
Fascinating adventures in the macro universe
Balloon bass
Freestyle rap battle translated
Speak, the Hungarian rapper
Weight for it…
Interesting fighting technique
Jan Terri – Losing You
Hammer pants dance
Zorb fail
Crazy ping-pong player
Belinda Bedekovic
Biff’s Question Song
The 1987 Crystal Light National Aerobic Championship
Miniature City 2
Mr. Freeze
Pantyhose mask
Death metal rooster
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
iPhone 3GS unboxing
Football Hero
Personal helicopter
$200,000 worth of beer destroyed
Estonian Simpsons intro
HP computers are racist
Insane Canadian fishermen
Dangerous Wands
What English sounds like to foreigners
Let’s enhance
The Known Universe
iPhone-controlled helicopter
Police car chase with Benny Hill theme music
Useless machine
Meow-rio Kart
The back flip that never stood a chance
Star Wars with a laugh track
One Frame of Fame
Alyssa Milano’s Evolution
OS Xbox Pro video worklog
Earth’s weather like you have never seen it before
Make an invisible bottle
Seth MacFarlane’s secret
Painstakingly run clock
Tetris God
Top 10 mad science-worthy chemistry experiments
Flu attack!
Beatles 3000
Lineman Fail
NASA astronaut leads tour of space station in HD
Surprised Kitty
Lego Matrix: Trinity Help
Civil air traffic worldwide
The Muppets: Bohemian Rhapsody
Movie lines where they say the name of the movie
Mountain light
Remote control bowling ball
Batman vanishing
The Open Road London
Starlings swarming
Two people playing one guitar
Water drop at 2000 fps
“Strawberry Swing” video by Coldplay
Easy paper transformer
Condescending Army commercial
Piano stairs
Poor kitty pwned by an evil man
Kid shreds on accordion
Michael Moschen performs THE TRIANGLE
iPhone Halloween costume
Kramer’s entrances
Crazy 80’s workout
Meow Mix
Jozin from the Bog
Nora the Piano Cat
Psychosocial by Slipknot
CD case with built-in theremin
T-Pain Obama Auto-Tune
I Can’t Believe It’s Not Beatles: Rock Band
Jackie Chan Kaspersky 2010 ad
Bobby McFerrin demonstrates the power of the pentatonic scale
Malcolm-Jamal Warner in Show Off! A Kid’s Guide to Being Cool
Incredible, amazing, awesome Apple
Full body MRI
1987 dating video
Obama makes the same face in every pic
The Future of Our World
2001 A Space Odyssey: Portsmouth Sinfonia
Pet Sounds – acapella
Lost Generation
Drive Free. Retire Rich.
Birds on the Wires
Jonas Brothers – Paranoid
Lost: The Sitcom! Season 1 intro
Steve Jobs introduces the Apple “i”
Nirvana vs Rick Astley
Mario theme played with RC car and bottles
Bubble getting burst by a BB
Wedding blunder
Warning: This may cause Gary Busey overload
Head Over Heels – literal version
Wii Fit parody
Super Luigi Bros.
Where are the wrestlers of our youth?
LittleBig Contra
Can you hear this?
Chewbacca recreated on guitar
A goomba’s lifetime
Jimmy Kimmel goes to a black barbershop
Afro Ninja’s Redemption
Han Solo, P.I.
Disney’s animation clones
JetLev-Flyer water jet pack
Tom Wilson’s “The Homonym Song”
Older couple playing the piano
Cat on a turntable
Your business card is crap
Revealed! Where babies come from
Another beatbox kid
Know your meme
Arnold in a Japanese commercial
Kids sing “Eye of the Tiger”
How to fail a sobriety test
Honda Insight – Let It Shine
Playing for Change
Breakfast as directed by Michael Bay
Presence in augmented reality: a virtual “pit”
Bike Race Prank
In B flat
Galactic center of Milky Way rises over Texas star party
Apple “Get a Mac” Web ad
Piglets react to any sound
Stupid crook of the month
The David Caruso method of acting (a flowchart)
Moron cuts tree and crushes his porch
Mike Tyson: Insane difficulty unlocked
Potter Puppet Pals in “The Mysterious Ticking Noise”
The Ferris Bueller Fight Club theory
How to avoid a ninja attack
Microwaving a cell phone
No Asians
Physics WIN!
Little Mac
Twouble with Twitter
Charles Manson’s epic answer
Soy tu Aire
Sheep LED art
“Is is”
VCR hack!
Apple LCD logo mod
Kid can’t kick ball
Hip hop flip-flop pop-off
Maggot Therapy
The most amazing Tetris player ever
911 Fail
Obama’s Elf
Spiderman is Matt Damon!
Back To The Future – Temporal Experiment #2
Everything is amazing, nobody is happy…
Awesome Mexican wrestling
Muse – Knights Of Cydonia: Live At Wembley Stadium 2007
Possible suspect
Colbert interviews Paul McCartney
NFL Fantasy Files: The Best Players
David After Dentist, a 7-year-old’s first drug trip
What news anchors do during commercial breaks
Pit crew fail
Terry Tate: Reading Is Fundamental
Chubby cuppy cake boy
Manualist plays Super Mario Bros. theme on his hands
Pork and Beans Redux
Coldplay – Life In Technicolor ii
Star Wars: Retold
The Renewed Mind
Wii Fail
Darth and the Stormtroopers do “Thriller”
The North Wind Blew South
Kiss shreds
“Star Wars” – an a cappella tribute to John Williams
Elvis singing The Beatles’ “Yesterday”
Microsoft Songsmith ad
Pantyhose Tug of War
Bert & Ernie try Gangsta-Rap
Chair fail
Super Mario Bros. 2 theme, gypsy-jazz style
Ram It
Dance fail
Pen trick fail
Fast Mario
Little kid rallies Philly fans
Wilford Brimley diabeetus remix
Re-entering roadway fail
Bike Hero
Four hands Simpsons piano
Church song goes wrong
Banana Fireworks
1980 Wendy’s Training Video
You fell asleep watching a DVD
Will he fit?
Take on Me: Literal video version
Do you know who I am?
Shinjuku skyscrapers time-lapse
Das Rad (or, The Wheel)
Great pool trick shot
Cute, furry animals
Report: nation’s wealthy cruelly deprived of true meaning of Christmas
Dramatic reading of a break-up letter
Internal Microsoft Vista video is as painful as videos get
Reporter owned by sled
Sticky Note experiment
Incident Action Plan
The Door to Hell
90’s phone call
Awesome motorcycle recovery
Funny Windows errors
Reporter gets surprise kiss
Latte art printing machine
Dumb bus driver
Slow-motion laughing baby
Weightlifting fail
Shot to the face
William Spencer – Hollarado!
Mythbusters – Fun With Gas
Windmill blows up
Save Ferris
Jesus Is My Friend
Rolling Clouds
Exploding paint
Monkey vs. dog
Carmina Burana, alternate lyrics
Drums on keyboard
Maggot lives inside woman’s head
Drunken Jeff Goldblum pitches the iMac
Another beatbox artist
History of Stonehenge
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